What is a Trademark Objection?

Brand name application goes through a few phases, where Assessment by Recorder is a urgent stage. An equipped official will inspect the application and check for any blunders or rightness of the application affirming to the Brand name Act and its relevant Standards.

During brand name assessment, the Brand name Recorder might mention criticisms on the applied brand name on the off chance that it abuses rules and laws of brand name enrollment. It very well may be because of a few reasons like closeness with a current brand name, offense to a specific religion, nonattendance of a particular plan, and so on. In case of a brand name protest, a complete answer should be documented in no less than a month, from the date of issuance of the complaint.

Reasons for Trademark Objection

A trademark objection may arise due to various reasons, including:

  • Use of incorrect trademark form
  • Inaccurate applicant name
  • Failure to file TM-48 form
  • Incorrect address on the application
  • Vague specification of goods or services
  • Existence of a similar or identical trademark
  • Lack of distinctive character
  • Deceptiveness of the trademark

Responding to Objections

In the event of a trademark objection, it’s crucial to provide a comprehensive response within a month from the date of issuance of the complaint.

Legal Recovery Notice

TrademarkObjection Response Process

  • Step 1: Collection of basic information
  • Step 2: Consultation for grounds of objection raised by the examiner and Discussing the suitable responses to the examination report
  • Step 3: Drafting of response by an experienced IP lawyer
  • Step 4: Filing of TM Objection Reply
  • Step 5: lfthe response is not found satisfactory the Registrar may conduct a hearing to give a chance for the applicant to address the issues

How to respond to a Trademark Objection

Listed below are the items that should be included in the Trademark Objection reply

  • A brief and specific answer to the objection
  • Relevant case laws to support your objection
  • To prove the extensive usage of the mark, the applicant must produce a USER AFFIDAVIT
  • Other evidence supporting the inherent usage of the mark and establish distinctiveness

What is a Patent?

According to the Patent Demonstration, for a creation to be patentable, the development should be another item or cycle, including an imaginative step and equipped for being made or utilized in industry. Patent enrollment can be acquired in India for a development. Patent enrollments are not appropriate for all developments, and the creation should fulfill specific models to be patentable in India.
Patent documenting or patent enrollment is the initial step a creator takes to safeguard his/her development from being abused. Patent recording in India is a convoluted cycle, notwithstanding, with the right legitimate direction, it very well may be done without any problem.

Benefits of Patent registration

Registering a Patent offers many benefits. 

  • Exclusive authority over your invention
  • Exclusive patent right grants the owner of the patent controlling use of the invention for twenty years
  • Commercial use of patents can earn monetary returns
  • Patented product is likely to improve brand perception
  • Owner/Inventor can sell or transfer the intellectual property rights of the work to the other person

Patent Registration Process

  • Step 1: Patent Search
  • Step 2: File patent application
  • Step 3: Preparation of a patentability report
  • Step 4: Publication of patent application
  • Step 5: Patent Examination
  • Step 6: Patent Objections
  • Step 7: Grant of Patent

Documents required for registering a Patent

Listed below are the documents that are required for registering a Patent

  • Title of the invention
  • Applicants Information – Name, address, contact details and nationality of each applicant for the patent
  • Description of the Invention – Detailed description of the invention and details about what the patentee wants to claim out of the invention
  • Technical aspects of the invention – Technical details about the invention and drawings along with copy of Provisional patent (if filed)

Protecting Your Innovations

Legal Advice Kart is your trusted partner in intellectual property (IP) services. We understand the importance of protecting your innovations and creative works, which is why we’re here to provide you with expert guidance and support in all matters related to intellectual property. Whether you’re looking to register a trademark, patent an invention, or protect your copyrights, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of intellectual property law.

Our Intellectual Property Services

At Legal Advice Kart, we offer a comprehensive range of intellectual property services to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re an individual inventor, a startup, or a multinational corporation, we have the resources and expertise to help you protect your intellectual property rights. From trademark registration to patent drafting, we’ll guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your intellectual property is safeguarded and legally protected.


Copyright is the lawful right allowed to makers of abstract, dramatizations, music, and creative work and makers of movies and accounts. The holder of Copyright has the privileges to duplicate, recreate, adjust, decipher and appropriate the work he has made. Copyright guarantees specific least defends of creators’ freedoms over their manifestations, in this way fulfilling and safeguarding imagination.
The Copyright Act, 1957 safeguards unique scholarly, emotional, melodic and imaginative works and cinematograph movies and sound accounts from unapproved utilization and duplicating of their creation. Copyright safeguards the articulations and not the thoughts. There’s no copyright insurance for thoughts, methodology, systems of activity or numerical ideas.
Copyright Registration In India

Benefits of Copyright registration

  • Public record of ownership
  • Prevents copying and duplication
  • Legal commercial use of by-products
  • Owner can sell or pass on the rights of the work to the other person with copyright protection
  • Protection extended even after the creator’s death
Copyright Registration In India

Copyright Registration Process

  • Step 1: Copyright registration application has to be prepared in Form IV
  • Step 2: Application must be duly signed by the applicant and submitted by the advocate under whose name Power of Attorney has been executed
  • Step 3: Online filing of an application for Copyright Registration
  • Step 4: If discrepancy and/or objections are found, discrepancy notice will be issued and the same needs to be responded to within 30 days from the date of issuance of the notice
  • Step 5: If there are no discrepancies or objections with the application, the copyright will be registered and the Copyright Office will issue the Registration Certificate
Intellectual Property

What is a Trademark?

Brand name is likewise prominently known as brand name in layman’s language. Brand name is a visual image which might be a word signature, name, gadget, mark, numerals or blend of varieties making a personality of an item or a business. The essential legitimate prerequisite to enroll a brand name under the Demonstration is that the chose picture ought to be fit for being addressed graphically on a paper. Additionally, it ought to be remarkable and not like whatever other imprint which is now enrolled under the Brand name Enlistment Act.

Why Trademark registration?

  • Add to company valuation as a key asset. 
  • Helps in establishing a unique identity and brand for the company’s goods or services
  • It helps in establishing trust, goodwill and quality in the minds of the customer.
  • Creates unique identity for the company
  • It can be used as the basis for trademark filing in other countries if required.
  • Only owners of registered trademarks can take action for damages in case of trademark infringement.
Intellectual Property

Trademark Registration Process

  • Preliminary Search for conflicting marks on the Official database. 
  • Preparing and filing trademark application including user Affidavit and other mandatory documents.
  • Reviewing the Examination Report. Preparing and filing a detailed response (if required) 
  • Preparing for and attending a hearing before the Examiner / Registrar ( if required) 
Intellectual Property

Documents required for registering a Trademark

Recorded beneath are the reports that are expected for enrolling a Brand name
Confirmation of Candidate – Container Card, Address Verification of Applicantand
Authentication of Enrollment
Brand Name and Logo-Image/Logo of the Brand name to be enrolled
Client Testimony on the off chance that TM is now under use
MSME/Begin up Acknowledgment – to profit half discount on the Public authority expense
Marked Structure TM – 48 – to permit the Lawyer to document Brand name for your benefit with the Brand name Enlistment center